We license on a per named user (i.e. each individual person) basis by default.

We do not allow generic/shared user accounts and we do not offer concurrent (floating) licensing.

As such there is no concept of "reusing licenses", this doesn't apply given the status-driven, named user nature of our billing.

This model means that we are suitable for "worker facing" apps, not for consumer apps aimed at the general public.

We have one exception to the above rule, which applies if a device is confined to a specific location or vehicle at all times.
For these cases, a Premium user can be assigned to each device and the name of the device user should reflect the location of the device.

This option is only permitted in the following situations:

  • A device that remains on site (or in a vehicle) and is carried by only one user per shift.
    Such a device can then be handed over to the next worker at shift change.

  • A kiosk-style fixed installation of a device that is utilised by users as they pass by.
    i.e. the device is not carried around by multiple users


For these exceptional cases, you need to contact us to gain approval first.

Assuming we approve your scenario for the above exceptional case, we will actively monitor for abuse of our concession.

Any non-compliance will be raised with you, and ongoing failures to rectify your user license assignments will result in account suspension.