The Sync application allows each Form Entry to be saved into a table in the SyncData database, within a table named by the Form screen’s External Id, and each column is being the data name of the answered fields.

Along with the form entry data, the following metadata is also saved in columns:

  • Id – form entry unique identifier.
  • ItemNo – the row number within this form entry incremented for each repeated group answer.
  • FormVersion – The form screens version
  • Latitude – Where the form entry was saved
  • Longitude – Where the form entry was saved
  • StartTime – Datetime when the form entry was started
  • ReceivedTime – UTC Datetime when the form entry was initially received
  • CompleteTime – Datetime when the form entry was completely received
  • UserFirstName – First name of the mobile app user
  • UserLastName – Last name of the mobile app user

Media files will also be downloaded and saved to the MediaFiles folder you set up earlier, assuming Sync.Download.Media is set to true.

Configuring Push of Form Entries to Sync

Within the Sync application, a form entry REST API is exposed with a single on POST function which accepts form entries and saves them into the SyncData database.

This API is accessible on the configured https://{IP Address/Domain Name}/api/v1/formentries.

In order to take advantage of this and have the Platform automatically POST each form entry received to your Platform.Sync project, you must create a REST connector within the Platform for each form screen as follows:

  1. Login to the Platform
  2. Navigate to Apps -> Screens and click the settings link on the specific form screen.
  3. Ensure that you have set an External Id value – this will be the name of the table created in the SyncData database.
  4. Next go to the Connectors page of your Form screen.
  5. Mouse over Add Connector and select REST
  6. Enter the connector details as per the screenshot (using your own Sync installation’s formentries URL) and click Save.

When a Form entry is submitted from the mobile app the Platform will automatically post the JSON data to the Destination URL specified in the REST connector.

On receipt, Sync will automatically create the required Form entry table (if needed) and will save the form entry.
Assuming the Sync.Download.Media web.config setting is true, then Sync will automatically download any related media.

If you are setting up many Form screens with REST connectors, then you may want to set the Global Forms REST URL found in the Organization -> Organization Setup page.  Set this to be the Sync API endpoint and then on all REST connectors, instead of filling in the “Destination URL” rather just tick the “Use Global Forms REST URL” option.