Often you will want to make changes to an existing published screen.
Our platform lets you do this by rapidly creating and publishing new versions of your Screens, allowing you to iterate your Screen designs based on user feedback.
The published version of a Screen is considered the current stable production copy for all users, and the platform automatically pushes this version to your app users.
If you were to publish a new Form design every time you want to test out some Screen changes, you would risk disrupting live users with a broken/incomplete Screen design.
Your users would also be capturing Form entries across many Form versions, making it challenging to track down entries in the Data Entries area of the secure website. Additionally, if you do any integrations, you would have many different Form field configurations to cater to.
Thus, we strongly recommend that you use our Test mode when developing/testing changes to a Form design.
Note: The Test button is only available on screens that are in Draft status. If you have a Published version, then you will need to first hit the New Version button. A new version of your screen will be available in Draft status.
When you put a screen into Test mode, you must nominate the particular users that should see the Test version. Often this might just be yourself as the designer.
While a screen is in Test mode, the Published version (if one exists) will remain visible to everyone else. So you are free to change the screen design as much as you like, without fear of disturbing the stable production version of your screen. As long as the form is in Test mode, your testers' devices will update every time you save changes to the form design.
This makes it easy to make a change, save the design, then jump over to your device to test it out.
The only thing you need to ensure is that an app synchronization occurs. So that the changed design is downloaded to the device. You can do this by simply sending the app to the background and bringing it back to the foreground. Otherwise, you can click on the Check for Updates button in the settings screen off the app.